Conversation Starter: Dinner table talk

Few things make me crazier than the response I get from my teens and tween when I ask “how was school today?” Most likely responses: “Good.” “Bad.” “So-so".”

Or “Did you have a good day?” “Yes.” “No.” “I don’t know.”

Or “What did you learn today?” “Nothing.”

In an effort to connect, it’s easy to try too hard or to buckle under resistance. But, I’m not giving up that easy. And neither should you.

When you’re met with dead-end answers, get creative. Try some of these approaches and see how it shifts your conversations:

  1. Who made you laugh today?

  2. What was the first thing someone said to when you got to school?

  3. Which of your teachers did something strange in class?

  4. What one thing would have made your day better today?

  5. If today were an animal, what kind of animal would it be?

  6. If your day was like a video/show/game you like, which one would it be?

Every time your child opens up, try asking “What else” and “Why” to keep the conversation flowing. If these don’t work, keep asking. Try silly, strange and offbeat questions that will capture your kids’ attention and let you into their worlds. There’s truly no better place to be.